I’ve seen two blog postings in as many days on whats wrong with the New Zealand economy … are the hatchets out for the currency?
It makes 3 key points:
1. New Zealand is a much poorer country than it should be.
2. New Zealand’s productivity doesn’t lag its peers for the reasons you might expect
3. Two things do seem to matter: weak “knowledge-based capital” and poor “international connections.”
- On the R&D data available, though, New Zealand doesn’t come out well (neither, for that matter, does the UK).
- New Zealand doesn’t rank highly on the quality of management and training either
- New Zealand’s poor “international connections” are easy to grasp: It’s a remote place and it’s expensive to get to
The Financial Times is gated, but some articles can be read via free registration. Registering is a good idea, not least to read the consistently good and though-provoking pieces from FTAlphaville.
Discussing the same report, here is a blog post at Marginal Revolution: Why isn’t New Zealand richer and more productive?
- Might we be reading a very different piece if the Chinese had a stronger taste for milk?
- Overall, if there is any nation which should be aiming to double or triple its population, it is New Zealand.