Details from the April 2017 US non farm payrolls data report on May 7
- Prior was 98K
- Unemployment rate 4.4% vs 4.7% exp
- Prior unemployment 4.6%
- Participation rate 62.9% vs 63.0%
- U6 underemployment 8.6% vs 8.9%
- Average hourly earnings 0.3% vs 0.3% exp m/m.
- Prior 0.2% avg hourly earnings revised to 0.1%
- Avg hourly earnings 2.5% vs 2.7% exp y/y
- Prior average hourly earnings 2.7% revised to 2.6%
- Average weekly hours 34.4 vs 34.4 exp
- Prior avg hourly earnings 34.3
Good news on jobs and unemployment is being overshadowed by poor wages growth in the market but it's a battle because a 0.3 pp drop in unemployment is rare.
- Manufacturing +6K vs +10K
- Private payrolls 194K vs 190K
- Goods producing +21K
- Service providing +173K
- Govt +17K
- Birth/death model added 255K