- Flash -0.2%. Prior +0.3%
- Core 0.7% vs 0.8% flash. Prior 0.7%
The core slips back in the final revision and that’s no surprise. The euro isn’t responding to the down tick and to be honest I don’t think the market cares anymore. It’s sights are set on QE whatever the numbers say.
![Eurozone HICP details 16 01 2015](http://az705044.vo.msecnd.net/20150116/Eurozone-HICP-details-16-01-2015.png)
Eurozone HICP details 16 01 2015
![Eurozone HICP mm yy 16 01 2015](http://az705044.vo.msecnd.net/20150116/Eurozone-HICP-mm-yy-16-01-2015.png)
Eurozone HICP mm yy 16 01 2015