Yep, plenty from Japan coming up soon ...

At 2330GMT

Yes, that's right 2330GMT, not the more usual 2350GMT that we're all accustomed to

So ... don't be disappointed - don't switch on your computer at 2345GMT, look at USD/JPY and howl "Oh no, I've missed the 100 point swings we've seen since the CPI!"

I'm sorry, that should read 3 points, not 100. :-(

OK, enough drivel ...

In addition to CPI, we get:

  • 2330GMT: Overall Household Spending y/y for May, expected is +3.6%, prior was -1.3%
  • Jobless Rate for May, expected is 3.3%, prior was 3.3%
  • Job-To-Applicant Ratio for May, expected is 1.17, prior was 1.17

CPI ...

  • 2330GMT National CPI y/y for May, expected is 0.4%, prior was 0.6%
  • 2330GMT National CPI y/y excluding Fresh Food, expected is 0.0%, prior was 0.3% (this is the 'core' rate watched most by the BOJ)
  • 2330GMT National CPI excluding Food, Energy y/y, expected is 0.4%, prior was 0.4%
  • 2330GMT Tokyo CPI y/y for June (Data for Tokyo is available before 'national' data, so we get the June reading), expected is 0.5%, prior was 0.5%
  • 2330GMT Tokyo CPI excluding Fresh Food y/y, expected is 0.1%, prior was 0.2%
  • 2330GMT Tokyo CPI excluding Food, Energy y/y, expected is 0.1%, prior was 0.1%