It may have been turned into a greeting-card company, money-making, exercise but today many families around the world will be honouring their fathers.

and as a proud parent myself I will be hooking up with my kids later .

And, as a Dad, can I just say to all you kids out there in Forexlive land that some of our parenting decisions may seem odd or misplaced but they will always be best-intentioned.

My own father passed away in recent years after a decent "innings" of 90 and left me with some invaluable words of advice that didn't always seem to stack up at the time

So remember that one day you'll probably be faced with those dilemmas of fatherhood yourself, and remember too that parenthood doesn't come with a qualification certificate before you start..

Much like currency trading, no one can fully prepare you for what lays ahead, and you learn the harsh reality over time. As with both though, it's crucial to learn from both good and bad experience.

Enjoy your day out there one and all, and here's a bit of Dad Rock to help things along!