Kathimerini report on the latest from Greece and the bailout review talks wihcih will begin on Monday
A Troika (am I allowed to say that?) of officials from the
- European Commission,
- European Central Bank,
- European Stability Mechanism,
- and International Monetary Fund
(OK, that's more than 3, so no)
Will review the bailout with Greek government officials
Talks will go on this week, then they'll break and come back to complete the review. Greek Finance Minister Tsakalotos reckons the review will be completed by the end of March ... or end of April. Yes, this could take some time.
Pension reform, fiscal actions, the privatization fund, the sale of nonperforming loans ... all are on the agenda and all are politically sensitive.
Once the review is complete, debt relief talks will start.
More at that link above, and Reuters have a little more:
Tsakalotos has loads of Greek treasure in that bag ... hence Lagarde's interest.