They have an issue to run on

They have an issue to run on

Pride comes before fall.

Theresa May called a surprise election on the belief that she could expand her majority and sideline Brexit critics.

Is Boris Johnson making the same mistake?

I believe he is only days away from securing a Brexit deal with the backing of a handful of Labour MPs. But he's ahead in the polls and wants to campaign on this Brexit deal in the hopes of winning a strong majority that will both allow him to pass the deal, and cement himself as a Prime Minister that was chosen by the people.

There are rumblings that Conservatives will go on-strike if they don't get their wish for an election on Monday but Labour is likely going to block it until Johnson secures and extension, which is likely to be granted until January 31, 2020.

I thought this might be a tactic to squeeze the EU and Labour into supporting the deal but now it looks like an election is inevitable.

"Parliament has voted for a delay. We're calling for an election, so we won't be delivering the Budget on November 6," a Treasury spokesman told the BBC.

Right now it looks like Boris has cornered Labour and will trounce them in a vote but it looked the same for Theresa May. Elections are volatile and that's why the pound is lower today.