Details of the November 2015 UK retail sales data report 17 December 2015
- Prior -0.6%. Revised to -0.5%
- 5.0% vs 3.0% exp y/y. Prior 3.8%. Revised to 4.2%
- Sales ex-fuel 1.7% vs 0.6% exp m/m. Prior -0.9%. Revised to -0.8%
- 3.9% vs 2.3% exp y/y. Prior 3.0%. Revised to 3.2%
- 3m/3m sales 2.1% v s1.2% prior
- 3m y/y 5.3% vs 4.9% prior
Good numbers from UK shoppers
Black Friday featured strongly in sales note the ONS
Last month all bar other stores and fuel posted losses and they've turned around very well this month. Textiles and clothing were down 1.8% in Oct and rose 2.8% this month
These are the sorts of numbers you would expect to see around this time of year and want to see carried on into December
The pound was already on its way higher before the numbers and soon turned tail from 1.5000 down to 1.4955 after. I'll leave you to speculate why that happened ;-)
UK retail sales details
UK retail sales ex-fuel y/y