Details of the November 2015 US durable goods orders data report 22 December 2015
- Prior +2.9%
- Ex-transport -0.1% v s0.0% exp. Prior 0.5%
- Cap goods orders non-def ex-air -0.4% vs -0.2% exp m/m. Prior +1.3%. Revised to 0.6%
- Cap goods shipments non-def ex-air -0.5% vs +0.5% exp m/m. Prior -0.5%. revised to -1.0%
The headline isn't as bad as was expected but the cap goods numbers were rubbish and with poor revisions
At the moment the market isn't really interested. If this report had come last week and prior to the FOMC then it probably would have been a market mover
For Q4 GDP, the continued draw down on inventories could have an impact. They fell 0.3%, matching the 0.3% fall in Oct
US durable goods orders m/m