- Borrowing profile slightly lower from 2010/2011 to 2014/15 than in March budget
- GDP growth seen at 1.3% 2010, 2.6% 2011, 2.8% 2012, 2.8% 2013, 2.65 2014
- GDP growth from 2011 seen lower than in March forecast
- Sees PSNB 2011/12 127 bln, 2012/13 106 bln, 2013/14 85 bln
- Net borrowing as pct of GDP seen at 10.5% in 2010/11, falling to 3.9% in 2014/15
- Cyclically adjusted net borrowing higher as pct of GDP than in March budget
- Public sector net debt seen rising to 74.4 pct of GDP by 2014/15, 1.376 trln
- GDP growth seen at 0.6% Q2 2010, 0.7% Q3, 0.7% Q4, 0.6% Q1 2011, 0.6% Q2 2011
- UK trend output growth seen at just over 2.25% until 2014, then falling back to 2%