By Akhil Shah
OTTAWA (MNI) – Following nine consecutive monthly declines, the
number of people receiving regular employment insurance benefits (EI)
decreased by 24,800 (-4.4%) in July, Statistics Canada reported
Thursday. The drop brought the total number of people receiving EI
benefits to 535,700 in July a 20.8% decrease from a year earlier.
However, the number of initial and renewal claims rose by 8,800
(+3.8%) in July, marking the third increase in four months. This could
potentially have a negative impact on the unemployment rate in the
coming months, provided the claims are granted. The 3.8% increase also
brings the total number of claims to 243,300, a third increase in the
four months.
The number of men receiving regular benefits fell 22.5% from a year
ago to 272,100. Men aged 25 to 54 saw a decrease of 24.6% while men
under 25 saw a decline of 23.6%. Male beneficiaries over the age of 55
dropped 15.2% in July from a year ago.
The number of women receiving benefits slid 22.1% in July from a
year ago to 239,500. Women aged 25 to 54 saw a 23.4% decline from a year
ago while women under the age of 25 posted a 22.6% decrease compared to
July 2010. Women over the age of 55 recorded a 17% drop for the same
time period.
— Akhil Shah is a reporter with Need To Know News In Ottawa
** Market News International Ottawa **