It's competition time and the earlier than normal release means you'll have to be quick to get your guesses in
Step right up folks it's that time of the month again (no, not Eamonn's trip to the supermarket to stock up on kangaroo steaks). It's non-farm payrolls tomorrow (not Friday) as those lovable rogues in the US are taking one of their many bank holidays and it's the big one for them
Who can forget July 4th, the history, the defining moment of the United States, the time people really came together, to fight off an alien invasion
God bless you America
Now on to the serious stuff
For this month's prize we could have offered you an all expenses paid trip to Greece, a dustbin full of Swiss Francs or the IMF's €1.9bn IOU from Tsipras. Good prizes in their own right but all of them worthless!
Instead we've got a copy of the worlds greatest ever forex trading book. No, it's not Currency Trading for Dummies, it's better than that
That's right, we've got another copy of Greg's book Attacking Currency Trends (and if the winner asks nicely he may even sign it)
So what have you got to do to win such a monumental prize? Pick the non-farm payrolls number and that's it
You know the rules;
- Make a guess for the NFP number in the comments below
- Only guesses in this post count
- Closest to the number wins
- 1 guess per person
- First to the number gets it (you can choose another if your number was taken)
- Entries in by 12.29:59 gmt Thursday 2nd July
Have at it you cunning folks of ForexLive and the best of luck to you all