Trend following models tend to use moving average crosses to a great degree. Two of the more popular moving averages to watch are the 10 and 21 day averages. At the moment, the 10-day average is below the 21-day average but is moving up fast. Should EUR/USD extend its gains intraday, a bullish cross (the short-term average moving above the longer-term average) may be seen. That would be one more piece of technical support for EUR/USD.

Keep in mind, theses averages are watched by players in their trades for the long-haul, not day traders. They are not guaranteed winners, but when they work, they tend to produce outsized profits because they will keep you in a trade for quite a long time if a strong trend develops. Trading moving average crosses will NEVER get you into a market at the low or out of a market at the highs, but should allow you to catch the “belly” of a move if held until the avaerages cross bearishly, the way a true trend follower would trade.
