–Adds Fact That Merkel Coalition Didn’t Depend On Opposition

BERLIN (MNI) – Germany’s lower house of parliament, the Bundestag,
on Friday approved the revised bailout package for Greece by a large
majority including both the government coalition and the main opposition

Of the 584 parliamentarians present, 473 voted for the motion, 100
against it and 11 abstained.

Even though 23 lawmakers from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s
CDU/CSU-FDP coalition did not vote for the bill, the government camp
still mustered enough votes on its own to not depend on the opposition.
Two hundred ninety seven coalition parliamentarians voted for the

An approval of the Bundesrat, the upper house of parliament
representing the 16 states, is not necessary.

Ahead of the Bundestag vote, German Finance Minister Wolfgang
Schaeuble warned that a Greek default could lead to a breakup of the
Eurozone and signaled that Greece would get aid from its Eurozone peers
beyond 2014.

–Berlin bureau: +49-30-22 62 05 80; email: twidder@mni-news.com

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