US DATA: Initial jobless claims -6k to 403k in Oct 15 employment survey
wk, slightly below the 405k level expected and down 25k from the 428k
level in the Sept 17 employment survey week. Claims in the prev wk rev
up to 409k from the original estimate of 404k. Labor analyst said there
was nothing unusual in the state data and no states were estimated.
Unadjusted claims -47,229 to 356,825 vs seas factors expect of -41,700
after the start-of-the-quarter spike in the prev wk. The 4-wk moving avg
-6,250 to 403,000 in Oct 15 wk, low since the April 16 wk. Continuing
claims +25k to 3.719m in the Oct 8 wk.