WASHINGTON (MNI) – The following is the text of the weekly retail
sales report released by Johnson Redbook Tuesday, for the month-to-date
through the week-ended June 2:
The Johnson Redbook Retail Sales Index was up 3.1% in the first
week of June. Month-to-date, June was up 3.1% compared to June of last
year (relative to a revised target of a 2.9% gain). Month-over-month
showed a 1.1% gain (relative to a target of a 0.9% gain). June is a
five-week month on the retail calendar ending on June 30th
The latest week’s sales span, which included the Sunday and Monday
of the Memorial Day weekend period, were slightly above plan. Memorial
Day promotions helped to drive demand for a broad range of summer and
picnic goods as well as seasonal apparel. Retailers also said business
picked up nationwide due to widespread warmer temperatures. June
represents the peak of seasonal business before traditional July
clearance sales and therefore is a crucial month for retailers. Weather
will be key in terms of allowing stores to make up sales before margin
cutting clearance time.
** MNI Washington Bureau (202) 371-2121 **