–Senate Majority Leader Says He Is Seeking GOP Support For Package
–House Expected To Try Again To Extend Unemp Benefits Through Nov. 30

By John Shaw

WASHINGTON (MNI) – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday
that the Senate should act this week to pass an extension of
unemployment insurance and extend the time consumers have to close on a
home purchase in order to benefit from the expiring homebuyer tax credit

“We really need to do this,” Reid said on the Senate floor, adding
that he would like to pass the package through a unanimous consent

“I would hope we could do something on this,” he said.

The cost of scaled-back package that Reid is offering is about $35

To pass under unanimous consent in the Senate would require the
agreement of all senators.

Meanwhile, the House is expected to try again Wednesday to pass a
UI extension bill that would extend benefits through Nov. 30.

A House effort Tuesday to pass the measure through an expedited
procedure fell short of the two-thirds majority. The House vote for the
package was 261 to 155.

If Democratic leaders bring up the UI bill Wednesday under regular
rules it would only require a simple majority to pass.

Democratic leaders have said that if the UI extension is not passed
by the end of the week, 1.7 million Americans will have seen their
benefits expire.

** Market News International Washington Bureau: 202-371-2121 **

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