Italian Industrial Output MoM Act: -1.1% Prev: 1.6% Fcst: -1.1%
YoY (SA) (May) Act: 3.4 Prev: 4.2 Fcst: 4
April's data was revised down to show a 1.4% rise, originally reported as 1.6%. May's 1.1% decline exactly matched the median forecast in a Reuters survey of 18 analysts.
Despite the latest drop, the March-to-May period still saw output up 2.3% compared with the three months to February, national statistics bureau ISTAT said. On a work-day adjusted year-on-year basis, industrial output was up 3.4% in May, below a forecast of 4.0% in Reuters' survey of analysts.
May saw month-on-month falls for output of consumer goods, intermediate goods and energy products, ISTAT reported, while investment goods showed a modest increase.