Jobs claims
Initial jobs claims
  • Prior week 248K revised to 249K
  • Initial jobless claims 232K vs 235K estimate
  • 4-week MA initial jobs claims 236.25K vs 243.50K
  • Continuing claims 1.476M vs 1.580M estimate down -112K. This is the lowest level since March 14, 1970 when it was at 1.456M
  • 4-week MA of continuing claims 1.576M vs 1.625M last week. This is the lowest level since June 30, 1973 and was at 1.570M
  • Prior week was revised from 1.593M to 1.588M this week
  • The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending February 12 were in Missouri (+7,253), Ohio (+5,392), Kentucky (+4,555), Tennessee (+1,737), and Illinois (+1,488),
  • The largest decreases were in Pennsylvania (-1,688), California (-1,618), Wisconsin (-1,034), New Jersey (-941), and Connecticut (-747).

For the full report, CLICK HERE

The data is consistent with a strong employment market.

/Jobless claims