Warren Buffett is doing something right ... the Wall Street Journal report how his firm's stock pric

Today we'll get a look at the latest filings from US hedge funds. They're required to report positions 90 days after quarter end, which is today.

Some have already been trickling out and they reveal that Michael Burry held almost no longs on June 30. So either he's missed this bounce or he quickly bought at the start of the new quarter.

I'm not sure how much 92-year-old George Soros is involved in his namesake capital management firm anymore but the top additions this quarter were ACC, BHVN, Y and QQQ calls. Top sells were VIVN, QQQ puts, CERN and MGP.

The biggest headlines are always reserved for Warren Buffett. We have a sense of what he's been doing and is expected to show around $2.5 billion in Occidental, $600 million in Chevron, $400 million in Apple and a potential position in a US bank. He's been on a bit of a spending spree so there could be other surprises as well.