

Major forex rates traded in a subdued manner. The initial move was for a weaker US dollar, just a few points, but its since reversed. Traders are eyeing US and Chinese inflation data later this week.

USD/JPY managed higher initially but has also since reversed. Traders are awaiting Tokyo inflation data due Tuesday, Japan time. Japanese markets were closed for a holiday today.

Share markets in China and Hong Kong fell further. Over the weekend we had news of another giant property sector related firm going into bankruptcy (Zhongzhi, see bullets above).

There was news from the US, where in Washington DC US congressional leaders agreed on a US$1.6 trillion spending deal. This has the potential to avert the looming partial government shutdown.

Oil prices lost ground. While the risk of supply disruptions due to terrorist attacks on shipping in the Red Sea persist, for today these seemed to be outweighed by the news from the weekend that Saudi Aramco had cut crude prices to its customers globally.

China stocks lower:

china stocks lower wrap Monday, 8 January 2024